A discussion on the geopolitics and geophysics of 5G infrastructure. Part of the A/D/O Design & Research Program: At The Border.
From New York to Shenzhen, “5G” is advertised as the latest and greatest wireless technology. An all-encompassing, ultra-fast network that promises to revolutionize productivity, bring multi-billion-dollar economic growth, and enhance connectivity more than ever before.
But for now, we find ourselves stuck between the anticipation and absence of the ‘5G revolution’. In this transitional space, an international tech-race has commenced between world’s superpowers, creating geo-political tension over the installation of infrastructure and standards needed for this hyper-connectivity. With each country forging their own path, will this infrastructure reinforce existing borders and ideologies, or redefine them through new forms of connectivity?
At The Border: Cycle 2 research team Guillemette Legrand (Legrand Jäger) and Vincent Thornhill lead a discussion on the current state of 5G; what it means for the future of wireless technology, national security, culture and geopolitics; and how through creating new visual narratives around this technology, we can move beyond the commercial and economic perspectives; helping us consider networks from the scale of the body, the planet, and the cosmos.